

without label


without label


without label



Without attributes.

Attributes: min="0" max="100" step="5".

Attributes: min="-5.5" max="5.5" step="0.5".

Horizontal buttons: class="horizontal"


Without button.

Self caption.


Default width: 250px.

Standart select, one option innactive.

Select without a given width, having the item with long text.

Select with a width of 200px, having the item with long text.

Long list, limited in height.

Long list, not limited in height.

Custom placeholder. Text "-- Select --" set in attr placeholder.

Empty List. Text "-- Select --" set in attr placeholder.

Grouped select
(uses tag optgroup), one option innactive.

Select with groups of different colors (classes .color1 and .color2 for optgroup).

We show that the select is changed using the class .changed (a green stroke appears).

The class specified for option, is transmitted to the folded select, so that we see the flag in it.

Tested change event: onchange="alert(this.value)".

Search from ajax.

Select with parameter size equal to 6 and with a given width (400px).

Select with parameter size equal to 4 and without a given width


MultiSelect, one option innactive,
attribute size not specified.

MultiSelect with parameter size equal to 6 and with a given width (400px).

Grouped MultiSelect (uses tag optgroup), one option innactive.

Grouped MultiSelect with the selection of groups different colors (classes .color1 and .color2 for optgroup).

Other (only CSS)

Styling using only CSS.

<input type="text">
<input type="password">
<input type="search">
<input type="tel">
<input type="url">
<input type="date">
<input type="time">
<input type="color">
<input type="range">
<input type="reset">
<input type="button">
<input type="button" disabled>
<button disabled></button>